5 Curiosities about Morocco

I personally really like to dig into the real and daily life of the countries I search info about or where I would like to travel to.

So today, we will go through 5 curiosities about Morocco, with an eye if we went to travel there. The beauty of the Moroccan places in this article include the imperial cities, the desert dunes and ancient rituals … so discover some of them with me!

1) The highest mountain in North Africa

Do you know that Morocco is the holder of their “continent” height record?
Speaking of North Africa, in fact, the highest mountain is indeed in Morocco.
It is called Mount Toubkal and is 4,167 meters above sea level. It is located between the peaks of the mountainous area known as the Atlas and therefore – especially in winter – the temperatures in these area are very, very cold.

2) Did you know that there is a “Moroccan Switzerland”?

Going back to the previous point, we continue to talk about the Atlas region: precisely because a part of this area is nicknamed “Moroccan Switzerland”. This is the Michlifen ski area and where yes, here you can ski ! And not only here: in reality there is a winter resort which is even more popular and appreciated, the Oukaimeden. There are many ski runs, including a couple of black ones and nearly a dozen red ones. So everyone can ski here: from beginners to the most experienced. So if you thought that Morocco was a purely hot destination, as you can see you are… off the track!

3) But what language is spoken in Morocco?

Answering this question is very difficult. Let’s start by saying that yes Arabic is spoken and it’s certainly the most widespread language in the whole country. But there is many more.
The second language is French, especially in Marrakech and its surroundings: on the other hand, French is used to manage commercial, administrative, financial relations and the economy in general, so it is some sort of high-end langauge!
In some regions (in the North) Spanish is used a lot. And everywhere, the dialects are countless: from the Berber (widespread) to the idioms of small groups of villages, the Moroccan language is very rich in words, expressions and sounds!

4) The beauty secret ingredient of Moroccan women

A silky, soft and hydrated skin: what is the secret of Moroccan women?
For sure, a product that is the very symbol of the country: argan oil.
It is obtained from the processing of a type of walnut that grows in the area of ​​Agadir and Essaouira.
The precious plant is called, specifically, Argania spinosa : harvested its fruits, they are squeezed and the magnificent oil is obtained, which is also much appreciated all over the world, Europe, US or China, you name it!

5) Clouds to catch: it happens here!

In Morocco, desertification is a real problem which the country has been trying to fight and solve. And for several years, they tried to do it by “clouds hunting”.
What does it mean? It is a very ancient method, which was actually tested for centuries in the Canaries.
Through the enormous small-meshed nets positioned on the upstream Boutmezguidathe mist that is formed here are “trapped”. In this way it is possible to convey the water inside the canals and from here it reaches the pipes of the town. Really ingenious and impressive!

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